When you decide to advertise your product or service you look up the best marketing method for your product. For start-up companies newspaper advertisement and leaflet distribution are the cheapest and most effective solution to advertise your product.
What is the difference between using Newspaper adverts and Leaflet Distribution as marketing methods.
All newspapers have a target audience that they appeal to, for example the metro is targeted to the public through public transport mainly tubes. NOW with leaflet distribution it is more targeted and it does work in similar ways to a newspaper such as being down to the person if they want to pick up the media and read it. But what are the differences?

With leaflet distribution, our research suggests that you only have a few seconds to get the reader’s attention with your leaflet, and it is for this reason that we do not recommend shared distributions. Having your leaflets go out with other different leaflets seriously dilutes the response you will get because you have significantly less chance of grabbing the recipient’s attention.
Once you have captured their attention, there are other things that you need to get across quickly; Your USP’s (unique selling points), calls to action (Call us now or visit our website), special offers (10% off with this leaflet), fear of loss (for a limited time only), and greed factor (save £100). With leaflet distribution the media is going straight to the potential client. So it’s down to the artwork, the website and their need for your product/service. You must remember with leaflet distribution there is a 100% chance of your leaflet being picked up, whereas with a newspaper there is a high chance that the reader won’t open the paper to the page with your advert on.

Newspapers are one of the first types of print media. When advertising in a newspaper you have to remember that there is a large amount of advertising space that the editors need to fill up. Whatever happens your advertisement will be diluted amongst many other adverts. If you are willing to pay tens of thousands of pounds to get on the front page of the newspaper then you might get a great response, but you have to measure this with the initial outlay. What will be your ROI (return on investment)? Advertising is all about ROI. Which advertising medium will yield the greatest ROI?


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