
Branding Tips-improve online presence

1: Work on Engaging Material & Promote Discussion -Reaching out and engaging with your audience 2: Respond to People Directly Folks want to engage with you, but you have to engage them back.  3: Be Visual Take advantage of photos. 4: Show Transparency Remaining transparent allows people to actually know about your brand rather than knowing of it. 5: Add a Blog gives people a peek through the curtain.  6: Participate in the Experience show your willingness to network in a social atmosphere. 7: Have a Solid Identity you should be thinking about the business coming across as if an actual person is operating it. 8: Move Past the Product For branding purposes, it’s about appealing to a niche, not about selling to one. 9: Add a Personal Touch You can find a lot of personal data on sites like Facebook & LinkedIn, and you can target specific users. Taking the time to send someon...

Content Marketing? why do u need it?

One of the most effective new marketing approaches out there is content marketing. According to the Content Marketing Institute , over 85 percent of brands use it, but less than half believe they're good at it. In many ways, content marketing is even more important for small businesses. So what, exactly, is content marketing? Why is it important? And how the heck do you actually do it? I asked three experts to weigh in: Michael Brenner , head of strategy for NewsCred and a Forbes Top 40 social media marketer; Neil Patel, co-founder of KISSmetrics  and  Crazy Egg and a featured expert in Kauffman's Founders School ; and Shelly Kramer , founder and CEO of V3 Integrated Marketing , who has been recognized by Forbes as one of the top 20 best marketing and social media blogs. A Layman's Definition of Content Marketing "Content marketing is a way for a business owner to educate your customers and potential customers about your products and services," says Patel. ...

Designing a brand identity

One of the most interesting projects that a graphic designer can take on is designing a logo. It can be daunting (and stressful) to come up with logo options based on market research, and stumble upon some "design magic" through the exploratory process. Narrowing it down to a final approved logo and then seeing it out in the world can be a very rewarding experience for a designer. However, most of the time, a logo is not enough. Large organizations with layers of management require a thorough brand identity system that provides a unified vision and tools that help everyone build the brand. But before we dig in, let's define the difference (and relationship) between a brand, an identity and a logo. Brand vs. Identity vs. Logo  • A Brand (or Branding) refers to the perceived image and subsequent emotional response to a company, its products and services. It also represents the conversation that customers are having with each other about the company, and how that spreads....

How to Correct Skin Tones and Stylize Your Photo in Photoshop


7 Simple Photography Hacks



黑卡 專攻晨昏攝影的 丁健民 ,透過與各地前輩的請益學習,以及跟親朋好友的鑽研分享,這幾年累積了不少使用 黑卡  的經驗。他致力於追求畫面上的每一處細節,希望可以將眼前所見的美景,真實呈現在每位觀者面前,因此除了精進搖  黑卡  的技術,在後製疊圖的部分也下了不少功夫。 易犯的黑卡使用錯誤 以拍攝黃昏來說,從有太陽到沒太陽,再到色溫、夜景出現,不同情況需要裝減光鏡與否,還有不同倍率減光鏡使用時機上的差異,或是在海邊在山上、有雲海沒雲海,刷黑卡的狀況也都不一樣。例如拍101這種城市夜景,在天空藍色溫慢慢消退、地景燈光漸盛之際,我就會由上往下把黑卡慢慢刷下來,而不是由下往上,但很多人還是蓋一半在那邊搖,可能地景有開燈的地方就爆了,而高空已經快要沒有色溫的區域就會變得很黑,所以搖黑卡的方式需要針對不同時間和地點去做改變。 比較特殊、具有挑戰性的拍點 一般來說,海邊是比較理想的拍攝環境,它有一條很明顯的地平線,方便你去藏卡線,相對比較困難的就是高山的地方,像潭腰或五分山,山巒起起伏伏,照平常的方式搖黑卡就會看到山黑一半。這個時候我會配合狹縫黑卡去做處理,或是多次的去刷黑卡,再配合後製疊圖避免這個情形發生。 黑卡之所以有不同的刷法其實都是因地制宜的關係,而我到不同的地方取景會碰到不同的前輩,他們在那邊拍這麼久了,無疑都是箇中翹楚,自然會有因應該處地形地貌的搖黑卡方式,多跟他們請教就會學到不同的處理方法。 ▲搖黑卡的方式會針對不同的時間和地點改變,但概念仍是相通的。 有關狹縫黑卡 狹縫黑卡的概念就跟相機上的快門簾是類似的,黑卡上的這條縫可以針對畫面上高光低光不同區域,隨著移動的快慢來做曝光時間長短的控制。它可以處理的狀況很多,舉一個很明顯的例子就是大湖公園,在拍攝日出的時候為了不讓拱橋的部分變成剪影,就可以用黑卡上的這條縫,先在橋身和橋的倒影那塊區域上下來回,讓這個區域多曝光一點,最後由下往上抽起來,就可以讓拱橋和背後山脈都呈現出細節。 ▲製作狹縫黑卡要選用塑膠材質才不會有毛邊,不然縮光圈拍攝時會在畫面上拉出一條一條的線。 ▲上圖:沒搖黑卡;下圖:使用狹縫黑卡。配合狹縫黑卡拍攝的大湖公園,拱橋不會變成剪影,細節依然可見。 後製疊圖的處理方式 後製對我來說不是為了無中生有,最主要的宗旨是希望我的作品可以更貼近現場看到的狀況,把細節層次處理的更豐富、更完...

Creating an HDR-like Image From a Single RAW File in Lightroom

1) import raw file 2) select the pic>click on create virtual copy (x2) 3) select 1 "virtual copy", click on increase 1 stop exposure, another "virtual copy" for decrease 1 stop exposure 4) select all three pic, right click export> photomatrix pro 5) click ok in photomatrix pro now you can adjust in photomatrix pro if wanted.